ErgVideo: contact tech support

contact us

Due to SPAM, you need to be a registered user. Login to your account to enable the mail function on this page.

Please enable mail from ErgVideo.com to pass through your spam filters. We can't connect back to you unless your mail service lets us through. If you have an EarthLink.com or Earthlink.net address, we especially mean you. If you don't see a response (when you submit this form, you get a copy straight away), look in your spam folders, and enable us into your regular mail.

Before sending us an email, please read the FAQ. Chances are, you will find your answer there. It covers about 95% of the total email we receive.

NEW 2020: Email support will be provided only for paying customers. Users who are only using the free ErgVideo offering may not be answered at all. The website has ample information to resolve any issue you may be having, and frankly, it's not viable to spend time supporting free users.  Please refer to the FAQ or the instructional videos.

If you have a problem, please execute the following checklist before contacting us. This advice solves 99% of all problems without your needing to call or wait for service.

  1. Have you checked the FAQ?
  2. Have you updated your video card drivers and software? You should get these from the manufacturer's website, usually Intel, AMD or Nvidia.
  3. Is your Windows software up to date. Apply updates that are offered via Windows Update.
  4. Have you loaded the most recent software for ErgVideo from this website? Remember that downloading is not enough, you must install it. Right click on the help icon in ErgVideo's upper right corner to see the version you are running. Current is available at your account page.
  5. If you have added 3rd party software claiming to add Ant+ receiving to ErgVideo operation and have a failure, we must ask you to remove all software and utilities and programs that package installed (especially com0com which you may have real difficulty removing, uninstall it from the "device manager"), or consult with makers of that software. We do not endorse or support any software but our own, with no "add-ons". If your issue goes away, you found the problem. We can't expend resources doing customer support on software we didn't write, endorse, nor approve. The creators of that software should.

Now finally, please include this in your mail:

  1. At what point in ErgVideo operation do you experience an apparent failure? Describe what you were doing when it happened, for example, what was the sequence of click or commands, or what was the last thing you clicked? Do your best. Try to recreate the problem.
  2. Please provide PRECISELY the error message. Do not paraphrase or translate to something you think it means. Doing so is confusing and may lead me to suggest an incorrect fix, and I hate wasting your time. Using the Windows screen clipping tool to take a screen shot of the error is very handy, and helps us solve your problem more quickly.
  3. Tell us the OS (Windows 7 or 8 or 10) and something about your hardware like CPU, clock speed, and video card type and configuration.

The support line is for technical support to help you address problems you may see. Please do not use this support line for free coaching advice. That can't be free and we must bill for that time.

phone contact

Phone support is no longer being offered. Please contact us over email using the form above. We will respond in a timely way to emails, and prefer to keep a record of all correspondence.