We've placed the "essentials", the "basics", the "beginner's-guides", even the "ErgVideo-for-dummies" versions of our product documentation here. We've kept them short(ish), and on-topic for each function you may be looking for. If they don't answer your question, or you are looking for more in-depth information, please have a look at the "in-depth" page. Also, there's no need to be shy about just clicking the buttons available in the ErgVideo application just to see what they do.
Here's a quick reference guide to the various options and settings presented in the ErgVideo UX. You can customize the ErgVideo experience to your liking.
These are some short demos of features you may want to look into. The "longies" or the "slowies?" provide more detail on the in-depth page.
Didn't find it here? That's okay, this page is about the basics. Head on over to in-depth for more topics and more detail. Looking for info on training plans, TrainingPeaks and Strava-related info, we have a separate pages for them too, just to make it easier to find.