ErgVideo: intervals sessions

read details on the intervals-based ErgVideos

Our Train for RealTM ErgVideos are designed for use in modern progressive and periodized training plans. There are ErgVideos suitable for the base, build and peak phases of your training year.  The workouts are broad and varied, and you or your coach will find it easy to incorporate these sessions into your training plan. On this page we show the particulars of each Train for RealTM intervals session. 

Special Announcement

On Feb 13, 2025, our streaming service partner made a change that breaks ErgVideo streaming playback in the desktop application. It came as an unannounced surprise.

The ErgVideo application has been out of development for several years and supported only for current subscribers. Costs to update and further maintain the application and web services infrastructure now exceed revenues.

As such, we have:

  • Refunded any subscription that was affected by an outage Feb 13. That is, any subscription that renewed after Jan 13, 2025.

  • Terminated all recurring monthly subscriptions as of today, Feb 17, 2025. You will see no new charges.

Further, on May 31, 2025, we will:

  • Remove all web services and the website. This means that the free ErgVideo desktop software will stop working on that date.

Be assured that these are not temporary measures while the outage exists. We are no longer investigating a fix. It is truly the end of the ErgVideo application, web services, and support.

If you purchased a legacy video license (DVD or one-time download), you will still be able to playback videos in any desktop player like Windows "Films and TV" app, or "Windows Media Player"**. What won't work (after May 31) is the desktop software ("ErgVideo 6.009") that controlled your trainer with its own synchronized video player. Since our first release in 2007, we've always provided, maintained, and supported the desktop software for free.

Thank you for your business and understanding,

Paul Smeulders

ErgVideo Inc.

** If you did a standard install, the video files are in .wmv format and located in subfolders of C:\Users\Public\Videos\ErgVideo. Each subfolder is named by the title of the video.

intervals sessions

title session description recommended # sets per workout
AllenPT base tempo virginia HD an unstructured ride in the tempo zone see the master library at this link
AllenPT explosive power sweet-spot HD 2 x 15 min @ 88-92% FTP, preceded by 3x20 seconds @ 250%
5 min on/5 min off, 3 reps @ 100% FTP for low cadence work
see the master library at this link
AllenPT ft power ramps HD 10 min on/5 min off, 4 reps @ 90-95% FTP ramping to 105%
1 min on/1 min off, 5 reps @ 80% FTP for fast pedaling drills
see the master library at this link
AllenPT over-under sweet spot HD 20 min on/5 min off, 2 reps @ 90%-95% with 30 seconds @ 120% every 2 minutes
1 min on/1 min off, 5 reps @ 80% FTP fast pedaling drills
see the master library at this link
AllenPT power micro-bursts and tempo HD 30 seconds @140% /30 seconds @ 150% FTP for 10 min
20 seconds @140% /30 seconds @ 150% FTP for 10 min, 2 reps
30 min pace-line tempo zone
see the master library at this link
AllenPT tempo grind HD 45 min tempo zone progressive cadence every 15 min
1 min @ 130% /2 min at 50%, 5 reps anaerobic capacity intervals
see the master library at this link
The Train for Real™ library draws on several references for their inspiration. Among them, Joe Friel's Training Bible™ series, and the Canadian Cycling Association's National Coaching Certification Program's Technical information, by Guy Thibault, Ph.D. When we refer to training zones, we use the Coggan zone definitions made popular by CyclingPeaks™ Software.  Read about them here. The non-intervals based sessions, such as "Base 3 Cool Rides" and "Tempo Club Ride", among many other base and tempo sessions,  focus on keeping you in the target zones such as the aerobic endurance zone 2 and tempo zone 3 for extended periods. There is a great deal of variety in each ride, to keep you motivated and fresh.  Using the ride designer, you can modify your ride as described here.

The various intervals sessions presented in the ErgVideo Train for Real series are chiefly attributed to Guy Thibault, Ph.D.  Guy has written extensively on interval training. Indeed, the Canadian Cycling Association's Coaching Certification training program is based on much of his work.  In some cases we have made minor modifications to widen the appeal to more coach's preferences.  You will also notice that the sessions fit very well into the workout descriptions in Joe Friel's "Training Bible" series for cyclists and triathletes.

In interval training, not only is the duration and intensity of the interval effort important, but so is the length of the rest period. Your recovery time limits the ultimate intensity with which you can do the next interval, and indeed, finish the set. Don't be surprised if the first interval in a set seems a little easy. By the end of the sets, you'll be pretty knackered.  Most intervals-based ErgVideos are entitled according to the cycling performance factor that is trained, and should be easily understood. Generally speaking, in a training session you often work on a single performance factor, like endurance, max aerobic power, or anaerobic capacity. There are of course, many ways to achieve improvement, and Thibault's work describes several different sessions which can improve each factor.  The are described in terms of several parameters: "work vs. rest" time, intensity, the number of reps per set, and the number of sets per workout. 

To bring you very high value in your ErgVideo, we actually present one set each of 2 to 4 different interval sets. Most have between 5 and 8 reps. In general, you choose ONE set per workout, but you use the ride designer to repeat the sets as desired by you or your coach. The table below shows the details of each Train for Real ErgVideo's intervals sets. 
title intervals specification recommended # sets per workout
endurance intervals 1.5 min on/1 min off, 8 reps @ 109% FTP
3 min on/2 min off, 8 reps @ 105% FTP
5 min on/3 min off, 7 reps @ 104% FTP
3-4 sets
2-3 sets
1 set
intervals endurance HD 6 min on/4 min off, 4 reps @ 109%FTP
4 min on/3 min off, 5 reps @ 115% FTP
2 min on/3 min off, 7 reps @ 117% FTP
1-1.5 sets
2-3 sets
2-3 sets
long threshold Intervals 20 min on/5 min off, 2 reps @ 100% FTP
9 min on/3 min off, 4 reps @ 100% FTP
1 set
1 set
threshold intervals HD 20 min on/5 min off, 2 reps @ 100% FTP
10 min on/5 min off, 2 reps @ 103% FTP
8 min on/5 min off 2 reps @ 105% FTP
1 set
2 sets
2 sets
max aerobic power intervals 45 seconds on/2 min off, 8 reps @ 128% FTP
1 min on/1 min off, 6 reps @ 122% FTP
1.5 min on/3 min off, 6 reps @ 128% FTP
2 min on/3 min off, 6 reps @ 122% FTP
3 sets
4 sets
2 sets
intervals max aerobic power HD 1 min on/2 min off, 6 reps @ 128% FTP
0.5 min on/1 min off, 7 reps @ 134% FTP
1.5 min on/3 min off, 6 reps @ 128% FTP
2 min on/3 min off, 6 reps @ 121% FTP
3 sets
3-4 sets
2-3 sets
2 sets
anaerobic lactic capacity intervals 30 seconds on/ 2 min off, 6 reps @ 140% FTP
45 seconds on/ 3 min off, 6 reps @ 140% FTP
1 min on/ 3 min off, 6 reps @ 140% FTP
3 sets
2 sets
2 sets
intervals for anaerobic lactic capacity HD 45 seconds on/ 3:45 min off, 8 reps @ 145% FTP
1 min on/ 3 min off, 6 reps @ 140% FTP
1:15 min on/ 3:45 min off, 6 reps @ 138% FTP
2-3 sets
2 sets
2 sets
hill climb intervals 3 reps approx 1 minute - 1.5 minute @ ave. 120% FTP
6 reps approx 4 min effort @ ave. 116% FTP
4 reps approx 6 min effort @ ave. 108% FTP
2-4 sets
1-1.5 sets
1-1.5 sets
intervals for hills HD 4 reps approx 2-3min @ ave. 119% FTP
4 min on 3 min off @ ave. 116% FTP
6 min on, 5 min off, 4 reps @ ave. 108% FTP
2-3 sets
1-1.5 sets
1-1.5 sets
short intervals 30* 30 sec on/1min off, 7 reps @ 130% FTP 3-4 sets
sprint training 15 sec on/1:45 off, 16 reps @ 200% FTP ***
10-25 sec on/ 3 min off, 8 reps @ 200% FTP ***
random sprint attacks for 20 minutes
any set once, twice is epic
intervals for sprinting HD 10 sec on/50 sec off, 13 reps @ 200% FTP ***
10-15 sec on/ 1:50 min off, 8 reps @ 200% FTP ***
Varied sprints, 3 min rest, 10 sprints
any set once, twice is epic
pyramid intervals anaerobic: 0:15,0:30,0:45,1:00,0:45,0:30,0:15, from 160% to 140% FTP, 3x Rest
max aerobic: 0:30,1:00,1:30,2:00,1:30,1:00,0:30 @ 140% to 128% FTP, 2x rest
Threshold: 1:00,2:00,3:00,4:00,3:00,2:00,1:00 @ 124% to 115% FTP, 1 or 2 minute rest
anaerobic 3-4 times
max aerobic 2-4 times
threshold 2-3 times

* Short intervals 30 contains the entire 4 sets of 7 rep sequence, no need for ride designer to create more sets.

** in all cases, rest period is done in the Zone 1 recovery zone, <45% AT/FTP

*** Your sprint ability is not well related to threshold, and differences between individuals are vast. The Sprint training video should be set to the HIGHEST AT setting that the athlete can manage, and still complete the prescribed sets with high cadence (no grinding!). 200% of this setting will be applied during the sprint intervals.