ErgVideo training plans: overview

Special Announcement

On Feb 13, 2025, our streaming service partner made a change that breaks ErgVideo streaming playback in the desktop application. It came as an unannounced surprise.

The ErgVideo application has been out of development for several years and supported only for current subscribers. Costs to update and further maintain the application and web services infrastructure now exceed revenues.

As such, we have:

  • Refunded any subscription that was affected by an outage Feb 13. That is, any subscription that renewed after Jan 13, 2025.

  • Terminated all recurring monthly subscriptions as of today, Feb 17, 2025. You will see no new charges.

Further, on May 31, 2025, we will:

  • Remove all web services and the website. This means that the free ErgVideo desktop software will stop working on that date.

Be assured that these are not temporary measures while the outage exists. We are no longer investigating a fix. It is truly the end of the ErgVideo application, web services, and support.

If you purchased a legacy video license (DVD or one-time download), you will still be able to playback videos in any desktop player like Windows "Films and TV" app, or "Windows Media Player"**. What won't work (after May 31) is the desktop software ("ErgVideo 6.009") that controlled your trainer with its own synchronized video player. Since our first release in 2007, we've always provided, maintained, and supported the desktop software for free.

Thank you for your business and understanding,

Paul Smeulders

ErgVideo Inc.

** If you did a standard install, the video files are in .wmv format and located in subfolders of C:\Users\Public\Videos\ErgVideo. Each subfolder is named by the title of the video.

ErgVideo training: choose pre-built plans or customize your own!

Integrated training plans

Our integrated plans are all free. You can start training with ErgVideo entirely at no cost. Choose between our free- mode training plans or our ErgVideo-centric "power-pack" plans. 

free-mode power training plans

Our free-mode training plans are a new feature introduced with ErgVideo 5. Every session is a free-mode workout, so the whole program can be ridden without ErgVideos. But here's the really cool part: ErgVideo will automatically recommend which ErgVideo-based workouts are "training-objective equivalent" to the free-mode workout. So each workout leads to a choice of a few to several different ErgVideos! We call this approach the "TOE"-way. To read more about the free mode training plans, click here.

ErgVideo power-pack training plans

Our power-pack training plans are known as our "traditional plans" developed before our now available subscription model existed. You start with a limited, chosen set of ErgVideos,and you pick the program you'd like to follow. Every session is an ErgVideo-based workout from your library. We have programs built by The Peaks Coaching Group's Hunter Allen, Scott Moninger, and ErgVideo's own Paul Smeulders. The integrated planning tool in the ErgVideo app even lets you substitute other ErgVideos into the plan as you like. 
Now, with subscriptions giving access to the entire library, you can pick any plan, and you'll have far more choices when substituting videos. The potential for variety in your training under these plans has grown exponentially. Read more about the ErgVideo power-pack plans here.