Our "power-pack" training plans are based on sets of ErgVideos. With your subscription, you'll have access to them all, so all these plans are accessible to you too! Configure your plan in the ErgVideo environment, and every session is ready to go. Each time you ride, it's 2 clicks, and bang, you are riding. No need to create rides...it's all there. Click, click. Ride. The way it should be.
Our planner tool lets you make adjustments to your plan to incorporate more videos in your ErgVideo library. Read on:
ErgVideo has continued its partnership with the Peaks Coaching Group to bring you a new series of amazing training videos, along with an awesome climbing-oriented training plan. You'll ride with the legend himself, Scott Moninger, on the very roads where he trained throughout his unsurpassed career. With 275 professional wins, he tops the all-time list among American pros. Along with PCG coach Tim Cusick, Scott will lead you through training sessions designed to improve your threshold power and your climbing ability. The sessions will lay the power foundation for your summertime success in climbing races, high alpine touring, and grand fondos. The ErgVideos in this power-pack are as beautiful as they are effective.
ErgVideo has partnered with Hunter Allen's Peaks Coaching Group to bring you an exciting series of ErgVideos featuring Hunter and his team riding their favorite training sessions. Currently the collection includes 6 HD ErgVideos all filmed near Hunter's HQ in Bedford Virginia. Specifically-designed for your pre-season indoor training phase, they focus on endurance, strength, and threshold power development.
Hunter and his team have also designed and provided free training plans that use these new ErgVideos (plus a few from our regular HD collection), to help you train effectively with your ErgVideos. It integrates directly with ErgVideo so it's dead-nuts easy to use. Follow your plan to improve your fitness, power and speed, all at home in your own pain cave. When you've completed your Hunter Allen Power Training plan with ErgVideo, you'll be interested in following up with a Peaks Coaching Group coach to assess your progress and develop further during your outdoor season under one of their custom plans.
The ErgVideo training plans are developed by NCCP III certified coach and ErgVideo developer Paul Smeulders. We've added more features, more flexibility to match your own library, and a really neat way to ensure you have maximum variety in your training.
You can easily customize your sessions with the training advisor tool. All of the optional workouts shown on any given day within a plan are roughly equivalent, so you can pick and choose. All choices presented align with the framework developed by a nationally certified and experienced coach. Basically, you can't choose wrong!
The Hunter Allen Power Training series of ErgVideos offer several new ways to train your strength, threshold power, and even pedaling technique. We've augmented the traditional ErgVideo training plans for cyclists, short and long course triathletes, and climber-sportif riders with the Hunter Allen Power Training series of ErgVideos. These plans will bring more variety, entertainment, and effectiveness to your indoor training program this year.
Help with using the online training plan tool, as well as how to use your plan when integrated with ErgVideo, is available on our "how-to videos" support page, as well as our next page.
On Feb 13, 2025, our streaming service partner made a change that breaks ErgVideo streaming playback in the desktop application. It came as an unannounced surprise.
The ErgVideo application has been out of development for several years and supported only for current subscribers. Costs to update and further maintain the application and web services infrastructure now exceed revenues.
As such, we have:
Refunded any subscription that was affected by an outage Feb 13. That is, any subscription that renewed after Jan 13, 2025.
Terminated all recurring monthly subscriptions as of today, Feb 17, 2025. You will see no new charges.
Further, on May 31, 2025, we will:
Remove all web services and the website. This means that the free ErgVideo desktop software will stop working on that date.
Be assured that these are not temporary measures while the outage exists. We are no longer investigating a fix. It is truly the end of the ErgVideo application, web services, and support.
If you purchased a legacy video license (DVD or one-time download), you will still be able to playback videos in any desktop player like Windows "Films and TV" app, or "Windows Media Player"**. What won't work (after May 31) is the desktop software ("ErgVideo 6.009") that controlled your trainer with its own synchronized video player. Since our first release in 2007, we've always provided, maintained, and supported the desktop software for free.
Thank you for your business and understanding,
Paul Smeulders
ErgVideo Inc.
** If you did a standard install, the video files are in .wmv format and located in subfolders of C:\Users\Public\Videos\ErgVideo. Each subfolder is named by the title of the video.